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Nine Ponca City High School students participated in the State Solo and Ensemble Festival


Nine Ponca City High School students participated in the State Solo and Ensemble Festival for vocal music on April 22 at Oklahoma Baptist University in Shawnee. These students earned Superior ratings at the district level to advance to the state level.

Terryn Goddard (ninth grade) sang “Vienna, City of Dreams” and earned an Excellent rating. Jaeda Johnson (ninth grade) sang “Early One Morning” and earned an Excellent rating. Taylee Slavin (ninth grader sang “Amazing Grace” and earned an Excellent rating.

The Women’s Quartet of Karlie Irwin (11th grade), Ava Roche (10th grade), Madison Thibodeaux (11th grade) and Ava Webb (11th grade) sang “Wild Mountain Thyme” and earned an Excellent rating.

Annie Leaming (ninth grade) sang “The Mermaid’s Song” and earned a Superior rating. Addison Kyler sang “Morning” and earned a Superior rating.

Pictured, front row from left, are Jaeda Johnson, Taylee Slavin, Annie Leaming and Addison Kyler, and back row, Terryn Goddard, Madison Thibodeaux, Ava Roche, Karlie Irwin and Ava Webb.