This COVID-19 update will provide data regarding contract tracing investigations and number of individuals affected by COVID-19 from the week of January 18 through January 22. The weekend data from January 16 and 17 is reflected on Monday, January 18. The chart attached and information provided by PCPS explain’s the districts COVID-19 data from the past week.
January 18 – Due to two weekend contact tracing investigations and two on Monday, January 18, PCPS transitioned one elementary classroom at Lincoln and one elementary classroom at Woodlands to Distance Learning for 10 days due to two in-school positives. East and West Middle School each had one contact tracing investigation resulting in several close contact quarantines for 10 days. Total contact tracing investigations due to in-school positives on January 18 = 4 Contact Tracing Investigations.
January 19 – One contact tracing investigation at Trout Elementary due to an in-school positive record in one classroom at Trout transitioning to Distance Learning. Total contact tracing investigations due to in-school positives on January 19 = One Contact Tracing Investigation.
January 20 – One Wildcat Academy contact tracing investigation due to an in-school positive resulted in several close contacts. Total contact tracing investigations due to in-school positives on January 20 = One Contact Tracing Investigation.
January 21 – One West Middle School contact tracing investigation resulted in several close contact quarantines for 10 days and one elementary classroom at Liberty Elementary resulted in that classroom transitioning to Distance Learning for 10 days. Total contact tracing investigations due to in-school positives on January 21 = Two Contact Tracing Investigations.
January 22 – One West Middle School and two Po-Hi contact tracing investigations resulted in several close contact quarantines for 10 days. Even though Po-Hi was on Distance Learning, PCPS still had students coming in last week for Special Education services and in-season activities are practicing. Total contact tracing investigations due to in-school positives on January 22 = Three Contact Tracing Investigations.
There were 11 total contact tracing investigations last week that were conducted. There are many more positive cases indicated on the chart, but these positives were not in-school positives, so no contact tracing investigations occurred. Many are family close contacts who became positive while on quarantine.
If a site experiences a high number of student and staff isolations/quarantines, or if PCPS cannot staff a building to ensure safety and supervision, they will transition a site/sites to Distance Learning for a period of 10 days. Be prepared with Distance Learning plans for your child.
Stay up-to-date with site %s on the PCPS Contact Tracing Spreadsheet at