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Ponca City Energy Visits Local Schools


In a modern era that is filled with computer tablets, cellphones and video game consoles, children might not remember what it is to have fun without power. Ponca City Energy recently took the Electric City Demo to Trout 1st graders on Tuesday, February 5, and then visited the Kindergarten students at McCord Elementary the following day. The demonstration showed that while electricity might power toys, it is certainly nothing to play with.

Students watched Kato’s Electrical video game adventure DVD, learning how every young child in the service area can learn how to avoid common indoor and outdoor accidents. Accompanied by Administrative Secretary Cindy Heidlage, Electrical Superintendent Aaron Michaud and Supervisor Dennis Knott, then presented students with a number of interactive activities designed to demonstrate both the wonders and dangers of modern electricity.

Heidlage said that they had a great time and that the students seemed really amused with Dennis and Aaron’s presentations. Heidlage also said that they try to be entertaining while teaching kids the safety of electricity, such as how powerlines and poles can be dangerous. Studenst were then encouraged to make a circle with energy sticks and balls then used to demonstrate the completion of a grounded circuit in one of the demonstrations.

Heidlage explained that if someone were to let go of hands in the circuit, the energy stick will not light up. The energy balls are individually used by a student to show what happens when there is a break in the circuit: No lights or noise. Michaud conducted a presentation of the scaled-down “Electric City” to students with Knott presenting and explaining safety equipment electrical lineworkers are required to wear to keep them safe and protected from day-to-day hazards.

Educators Kato rave reviews. The video game theme makes Kato’s electrical safety lessons unforgettable. A rainbow f multicultural characters star in the entertaining safety adventure. Michaud touched on the safety lessons taught in the video featuring simple lessons, such as to never climb on utility poles, never touch a wire that is down, never poke something in the toaster to remove the stuck toast, never touch electric outlets, water and electric are a dangerous mix.

Each child received a sticker sheet paper lineman. Students were to dress the lineman with his safety gear. Dennis Knott modeled the safety equipment while Michaud talked about the reason for wearing it in a presentation about safety gloves, extend sticks and hard hats. Michaud then showed pictures of the bucket trucks the linemen used and explained how lineworkers sometimes have to climb the pole instead of use a bucket truck.

Each student received a PCE goody bag to take home.