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Ponca City School Board Leaders Honored


January is National School Board Recognition Month and an opportunity for local schools and communities to honor Oklahoma’s more than 2,700 elected school Board Members for their dedication to children and schools.

Ponca City Public School Board Members were honored at their January 11, 2021 meeting. They were presented with items from school employees & students thanking them for their years of service including: gift baskets with a variety of items, framed picture of the Board Members, candy, ball caps, T-Shirts, car spirit flags, cards, homemade goodies and many other gift items. Gifts, a rose and a special picture of the Board members were placed at the late Dr. David Kinkaid’s Board seat for his family. One of the cards stated “A Hero is someone who has given all his life to something greater than oneself.”

Superintendent Shelley Arrott shared information about each Board Member stating, “During a typical year, whatever that is, these men and women bring a great deal of knowledge and experience to the table. They question, bring ideas, offer suggestions from different perspectives and vantage points, and they challenge me to grow as a leader. These folks make a five-year commitment when elected to the Board and spend countless, volunteer hours serving this district and attending PCPS events. There are many additional hours of behind-the-scenes work other than the typical two-hour BOE meeting the second Monday of each month. However, this year is certainly not normal and has presented unbelievable challenges, yet they continue to serve. The safety of our staff and students is of highest priority, while continuing to support our students’ academic and emotional well-being during a pandemic. There are no easy decisions as of late, but our Board spends long hours making thoughtful and deliberate decisions to best serve our students. Just like everyone else, our BOE Members certainly cannot make everyone happy, and they have to endure the discord that is so polarizing during this pandemic. It’s been a tough year on them too, but they continue to serve. We appreciate their commitment and hard work. Their tireless efforts play a significant role in the continuing success of our students. They are truly wonderful assets to the District and I admire and applaud each of them.”

Ponca City Public School Board of Education
Robin Riley, President, Term 2021-2026
Nancy Zimmershied, Vice President, Term 2017-2022
Ward #4, Member (Seat currently Vacant), Term 2019-2024
Don Nuzum, Member, Term 2020-2025
Judy Throop, Member, Term 2018-2023

Comments from Superintendent
Robin Riley – Ward #1: “Robin Riley is currently the Board President. He represents Ward #1 and was appointed to the Board in 2012 when there was a mid-term opening on the Board. He is a retired Conoco employee. He serves on the Board Finance and Property Committees and has been the president of the Board three times. Robin is a Po-Hi graduate and has a grandchild attending PCPS. He is visible at all of our activities – when Covid doesn’t interfere. This year, not only has he fulfilled his BOE duties, but he is one of our chief Covid trackers, as far as new cases in the county. He spends many hours learning, reviewing, discussing, and asking questions regarding all areas to ensure school officials continually grow and improve as a district. It is obvious he has the best interest of the district and students as his main focus.”

Nancy Zimmerschied – Ward #2: “Nancy Zimmerschied is the current Board Vice President and represents Ward #2. She is the newest member of the Board beginning her tenure in 2017. She works for Jupiter Sulphur in Ponca City. She serves on the Board Curriculum Committee. Nancy has a unique perspective as a parent of former and current PCPS students and was a Po-Hi graduate herself. She is a wonderful voice on the Board and wants students to experience the best opportunities with PCPS has to offer.”

Dr. David Kinkaid – Ward #4: “On December 30, 2020, we lost one of our own – Dr. David Kinkaid. Dr. Kinkaid was an owner and operator of Kinkaid’s Veterinary Hospital. He served as a Board member representing Ward #4 since 2006. He served on the Board Property Committee and served as Board President two times. Dr. Kinkaid was a Po-Hi graduate as were his children, and he has many grandchildren attending PCPS. David was a Wildcat to the core of his very being and he was loyal and dedicated to all things PCPS – especially our activities. Very few people have the deep love for our district as David did. He loved our kids, their parents, our staff, and our patrons. David will be our forever Wildcat and we will miss him greatly. Rest in Peace, David! We love you!” 

Judy Throop – Ward #3: “Board member Judy Throop is a retired, longtime PCPS teacher and was elected to the Board in 2004 representing Ward #3. She is a Po-Hi graduate and has grandchildren attending in the district. She serves on the Board Curriculum Committee, and she has been Board President twice. She was elected as OSSBA Region 3 Director, serving Garfield, Grant, Kay, Noble, Pawnee, and Payne Counties. Judy’s perspective as a former educator makes her an invaluable member of the Board because she understands the learning and teaching process and strives to improve all aspects of student learning.”

Don Nuzum – Ward #5: “Don Nuzum represents Ward #5 and is the longest standing Board member serving since 1999. He is the manager of the Ponca City Airport. He has served as the Board President thirteen times and serves on the Board Finance and Property committees. Mr. Nuzum is the past recipient of the OSSBA Platinum Excellence Award, which is designed to recognize the time and commitment made by Board Members in continuing their education beyond the legal requirements. Don is the voice of experience on the Board and has a great deal of knowledge about the operations and finances of the district. He also serves on the hospital Board and during a global pandemic, that perspective is very beneficial. He works diligently to best serve the students and the district.”