Both eastbound and westbound lanes of US-60 were shut down on Monday after two tractor-trailer semis were involved in a non-injury collision at Interstate-35 near Tonkawa.
Traffic was detoured through Tonkawa and alternate routes, as a result. At approximately 2:30 p.m., a tractor-trailer semi traveling eastbound on US-60 collided with another tractor-trailer semi that exited at the I-35 northbound exit at Mile Marker 214. The tractor-trailer that exited, failed to yield from the stop sign at the US Highway-60 intersection. The collision caused hundreds of bottles of non-stick cooking spray and other houseware items (shipped in transit) to be scattered all over the highway. Tonkawa Police Officers responded to the scene.
Added rainfall made traffic direction even more dangerous and difficult. The traffic collision investigation and traffic direction duties were aided by officials from the Oklahoma Highway Patrol, the Kay County Sheriff Office, and the Fort Oakland Police Department. Tonkawa Fire Department and the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) conducted road clearing and decontamination duties after fuel, oil, and other non-hazardous chemicals had spilled onto the roadway. Wrecker Service(s) removed the tractor-trailer semis from the highway and lanes were reopened shortly before 8:00 p.m.
The Tonkawa Police Department intends to increase traffic patrol efforts in the area of US-60 and I-35. These patrol efforts plan to deter traffic infractions, made by motorists, that cause collisions like the crash observed today. Speeding, Proper Stops at Stop Signs, Unsafe Passing, Texting While Driving, etc. will all be apart of this patrol emphasis. Keeping Tonkawa motorists, both residents and visitors, safe is among one of our highest priorities. Stay Safe!
Photos attached belong to the Tonkawa Police Department.