MyHometownPost Brands

Blackwell Wrestling Club Holding Championship Ring Fundraiser

The Blackwell Wrestling Club is raising funds to buy championship rings for this year’s Blackwell High School wrestling team. This year, the team became the 2023 Oklahoma State Champions for 3A wrestling. The club will be selling their famous menu of loaded baked potatoes this Saturday, April 29th from 8 am to...

Cowley County Amateur Radio Club To Host Field Day Event June 25

The Cowley County Amateur Radio Club, in cooperation with Cowley County Emergency Management, will host an Amateur Radio Field Day event on Saturday, June 25, in the Pecan Grove area at the Winfield Fairgrounds.According to a press release from Cowley County Emergency Management, the event will be from 1-7 p.m. The public is invited to...

Newkirk citizens can shoot off fireworks at the country club this year

Citizens of Newkirk will be allowed to shoot off fireworks at the Newkirk Country Club this year beginning Friday, July 2nd through Sunday, July 4th in the area on the east side of the Entrance Road near the softball field to the boxcar area.There will be no shooting of fireworks at the shelter houses...

Schooner Car Club Makes Donation to Pioneer Tech Automotive Class

The Schooners Car Club donated tools, oil, equipment, and other items to the Automotive Service Technology program at Pioneer Tech. The car club donates and visits the campus each year. “It’s a great opportunity for the students to see classic automobiles and ‘talk shop’ with these avid car lovers,” remarked Kyle Renfrow, Auto Service...

Aviation Booster Club Dinner Meeting Cancelled

The Ponca City Aviation Boosters Club monthly dinner meeting scheduled for this evening (Tuesday March 17, 2020 has been cancelled.The Ponca City Aviation Foundation's monthly fly-in breakfast scheduled for April 4, 2020 has been cancelled.

Takedown Club Competes At State Tournament In Tulsa

The Newkirk Takedown Club team traveled Feb. 15-16 to attend the 41st Oklahoma Kids Wrestling Association State Tournament in Tulsa. Attending for the tigers were seven wrestlers who had to qualify the week before at the regional tournament. The qualifiers were Easton Brown, Brodie Banister, Preston and Daxton Hasselbring, Thatcher Billingsly, Brady Oldfield and...

Newkirk Takedown Club Girls Place At State

The Newkirk Takedown Club Girls team attended the third annual OKWA Girls State Champions on February 15-16 and returned home to Newkirk as State Runners Up.The wrestling members for the Lady Tigers were Teagan Morton, Ryelie Mangrum, Brittnee Hasselbring, Brinlea Weant and and Sierra Hasselbring. Not only was this the first state tournament for...

Ponca City Rotary Club Makes Donation To Library

The Ponca City Rotary Club recently made a donation to the Ponca City Public Library on Friday which included several kits of international games. According to the City of Ponca City, the kits were purchased through a grant from Rotary International. The kits will be sent for cataloging and then made available to the...

Kay-9 Dog Training Club Hosting 8 Week Course

Dog training classes will be held Monday nights. WEEK 1 ORIENTATION FOR ALL ENROLEES is February 11 at 6 p.m. NO DOGS ARE ALLOWED THIS FIRST WEEK. Regular class times are either 6 p.m. or 7:15 p.m. Please indicate preferred class time on your application.The class will be held at the National Guard Armory...